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About Free Migrations

At HostHuski we are pleased to provide free inbound migration services to our customers. We can migrate any WordPress site (multi-site networks are currently unsupported) to our servers for you. Usually these migrations happen within the same business day the migration request is submitted. We only ask you consider a limit of 4GB per site. Sites larger than 4GB usually contain old backup files that need to be removed or other unnecessary files or data that should be remedied before moving the site. We are always happy to assist customers in the cleanup process.

Our process involves making a backup of the original site and then downloading, transferring and restoring this backup in your new cPanel at HostHuski. Finally, with our Huski wizardry, we are able to deploy and test your site without changing your domain configuration. Once we confirm everything looks good we will tell you the migration is done and then you’re all set!

For more details about this process and other good-to-know tidbits, click here.